pondělí 2. ledna 2017

When I was a little girl I used to like when daddy made me a fireworks. During my childhood I grew up from that. I don't feel happy when people make noise around me. :)
Since first half of November there are children around our house every day playing with petards. So my dog was every day around 1. pm at home underneath the table. Those children bought those petards by themselves in shop. Nobody asked for theire age. The possibility of accident was bigger and bigger every day. How many parents let their children have a knife at school? How many children have teargas in the pocket? Or alcohol? Very little. Because it is dangerous. As same as petards. These are tricky in one point. If you lose hand by a petard, you never gonna get it back.. Because it is divided for a thousand small pieces all over the place, Knife is better here. :)
So far we have:
1. frightened dogs
2. children risking a health
3. annoyed pets owners and town police officers - because I was there every day to make them get out and talk to children... :)

What else do we have. Woodsy animals. There are people, who do believe, that human kind doesn't own the Earth. And those nuts even believe, that we don't even own a land or animals living in there. And those same people believe that those animals do have some rights. One of rights is Right for life. And when they need quietness for life, they have right for it too. That is logical.

There in the woods there is a doe. She goes nearby to a village to find some food. And than she hears a noise as same as the gunshot. She thinks that hunters are up to her so she starts to fight for life and for the life of her little baby. She runs. She stops on the other side of village and what a coincidence another noise of same character. And our doe continues on fighting. She runs up to the hill in to the forrest. She is under unbelievable stress - try to imagine that somebody is shooting on you and you can't see them. So all the deer gets together, close to each other and they are all frightened to dead. Waiting for those fucking hunters to stop shooting already.
Than we have foxes, or wild pigs. Or do you wanna read about squirrels in the town park? This story can be watched from the other side too.
There in the supermarket there is Jo. He sights a fun pyrotechnics. He thinks:" great, that will be a noisy night." So he buyes something from every kind, so he can be hero for other men during New Year's eve - just hope to stay sober enough... Well, Jo obviously can't hold it and he goes every night and fires few. He doesn't bother to clean the stuff. During New Year's eve he is a little bit drunk to much, but there is this girl.. let's say Lucy, (he will make up with her later) and this girl is cheering him up and shining for him, so he can fire all his stuff. They drink some sparkling wine, he kisses all girls around and goes back in.
This story is funny because it doesn't have a point. Do you see it? :)
I let you to to compare these two stories. If you are smart, you can easily calculate the suffer of thousands because of unperceived joy of tens. If you are stupid, you wouldn't see it even if I draw it for you. ;)
So far we have:
1. frightened dogs
2. children risking a health
3. annoyed pets owners and town police officers
4. frightened woodsy animals and other animals all over the place
And on the other side there are few, maybe some of them are even smart, people who make noise and coloured light. I know, they also have a rights and we have democracy here and some say than even a freedom. Well.. Not happy to tell that but I have read in our Constitution that a freedom of one ends wher freedom of others starts. Maybe that is the reeson why were pets in our law for years taken as things and not living creatures. :)
So.. I can live without fun pyrotechnics, but I respekt people who can't. I say enjoy the New Year's Eve and fire all you have and than leave us all in peace for the rest of the year.
Have a nice time.
Yours Monkey ;) 

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