English is below.
Předsudky. Taška do porodnice. Parádní relax. Ljublaň. Bohinské a Bledské jezero. Postojnská jeskyně a hrad Predjama a konečně taky to moře. Je to pro každého?
Od ledna tohoto roku jsem měla jedno ohromné přání. Potřebovala jsem se nutně vykoupat v moři. :) Loni jsme byli na maltě a bůhví jak to bude za rok. :) Nejdřív jsem plánovala cestu jenom s mamkou, protože můj budoucí tráví svůj čas nejraděj kolem domu. Nicméně asi mu to přišlo líto... ? ... :) A rozhodl se, že chce jet taky. Tak jsme vlastně naplnili celé auto, přizvali jsme ještě kamarádku mamky, aby s námi nejela jako křen. :) A někdy od března jsem plánovala cestu.
Horská architektura / the mountain architecture |
Asi Vás to nepřekvapí, ale nakonec jsme vyrazili. Nemyslete si, že jsem si v lednu naplánovala moře a trvala na něm až do odjezdu na dovolenou. Všichni účastníci byli srozuměni s tím, že na dovolenou se jede, pokud mi stále bude tak dobře jako dosud a pokud vše schválí doktorka pár dní před odjezdem. :) A tak se stalo. Zajímavé je, že jsem si celou tu dobu představovala, jak si sebou pro jistotu vezmu tašku do porodnice. Tak jsme ji (s miminkem) zabalili a když byla sbalená, řekli jsme si, že ji necháme doma. :)
Skofja loka |
Ljublanský hrad / Ljubljana castle |
Ljubljanský drak / The dragon of Ljubljana |
Ljubljana |
Bled |
Prošli jsme se kolem Bledu - to je procházka vhodná i pro kočárky, navíc plná skělých výhledů.
Bohinj |
Přejeli jsme do Postojné. Tam je asi nejznámější jeskyně v Evropě. No ale nejeli jsme po dálnici a nebyli tam za hodinku.. To by tak nějak nemělo tu sportovní hodnotu. Vzali jsme to přes Triglavský národní park - tudíž přes hory. Auto teda trochu skuhralo a místy se i přehřívalo, ale nakonec to zvládlo a dovezlo nás pod Triglavem (nejvyšší hora Slovinska) a kolem řeky Soči (vodáci jistě znají) bez jediného zaváhání. :) (když teda nepočítám ta tři odpočívadla, když jsme stoupali ze 400 m.n.m. do 1600 m.n.m.. )
Postojna (1/1000) |
Jeskyně Postojna je něco jako Český kras ale asi tisíckrátnásobně větší. Nemá cenu tu o ní něco psát, jestli máte rádi jeskyně a bojíte se stísněných prostorů, tohle je volba pro Vás. Snad jen jedna zajímavost, kterou nám průvodkyně řekla až na vyžádání... Postojnska jeskyně byla první prostor osvětlený elektřinou. Všechna evropská města byla elektřinou osvětlena až později. :) Dobrý co? :)
Hrad Predjama / Predjama Castle |
No a konečně moře. Slovinsko má samozřejmě jen pár kilometrů pobřeží, ale využívají ho naplno. Bydleli jsme v Portoroži (růžový přístav) a koupali se, kde se dalo. Pláž po slovinsku vypadá jako betonová deska se schůdky do moře, ale to nám nevadilo. Po těch výletech, co jsme měli za sebou, jsme byly rády (můj nastávající se k nám přidal až potom, co prozkoumal další jeskyně), že si můžeme prohřát kosti a nasolit kůži. :) Jediná vada na kráse byly mini medůzy, které plavaly úplně všude. Naštěstí nežahaly, byly jenom slizké.
Piran |
U moře rozhodně můžeme doporučit dvě města - Piran a Isolu. V Isole se nejlíp koupalo a Piran je historickej přístav plnej nádherných starých domů, mrňavých uliček a uměj tam nealkoholickou Piňakoládu :)
Pokorně musím přiznat, že dvanáctihodinová cesta zpátky už pro mě byla celkem náročná, ne náhodou se nám potomek po dvou týdnech, kdy už byl hlavou dolů, otočil během cesty zase nahoru a od té doby to má jako své hoby a otáčí se tam a zpátky prakticky pořád. :) Že by následek dovolené? :))
Vysněná Pinacolada / dream pinacolada |
Mějte se krásně.
Vaše Wopice
Preconcepcions. Hospital bag. Amazing relax. Ljublana. Bohijn aand Bled lakes. Postojna cave and Predjama castle and finaly the sea. Is it for everyone?
Since january this year I've had one huge wish. I've needed to swim in a sea. You know.. beach.. waves.. salt.. :) Last year we were building the house and next year nobody knows.. First I planned vaccation just for myself and my mom because my future husband likes to spend his time around the house.. But he decided to come with us, so we took him and a friend of my mom and filled up the car. :)
I tell everyone everything, so I talked about it with many people. That was probably a mistake... :) Some of them told me, that I will give a birth on my vacation, some told me that it is a huge risk to travel 6 weeks before due date or that it won't be relaxing at all. In the end, one day before leaving, my future mother-in-law came to tell me, that she once was also pregnant on a vacation (4 months) and after she came back she had a misscariage.. She ended by words:"May it have good end this time..." Some people should just work on theire social skills.. :) My ob.gyn. told me, that if the baby wants to come sooner, it will. It doesn't.. than it won't... :) But she told me, that there is probably no injurance company to injure me. And that was almost true. There are very few companies that injure you after 26. week of pregnancy.
I guess that it is no surprise for you, that we went on that vacation in the end. :) Please do not think that I decided in january (no idea about pregnancy) and I went in august.. I told everybody that we will only go if I still feel okay by that time and if my doctor approves it. And that is what happend exactly. Interesting note: I imagined whole time that I will take my hospital bag with me... So we packed it (with baby) and than we decided to leave at home... :)
We left in half of august.. First days we spent at Bohinj lake. There is infocenter in every town. You can come there and they will tell you where is available accomodation and how much you will pay for it. That is great help.. At least for us it was. :) First day was rainy so we went to Škofja loka - small town but amazing and than to capital - Ljubljana. I must say, the city is great. There are public toilets everywhere and for free. And also it is very beautiful place. :)) There are lovely bridges over the river, cafees, shops.. Huge amount of galeries and museums (We haven't been to any of them). There is a castle of Ljubljana on the hill in the centre of town, where you can take a lift. It is rebuilded and who likes architecture, can appreciate new glass and concrete with old stones and mud.. :) I guess that it is no surprise for you, that we went on that vacation in the end. :) Please do not think that I decided in january (no idea about pregnancy) and I went in august.. I told everybody that we will only go if I still feel okay by that time and if my doctor approves it. And that is what happend exactly. Interesting note: I imagined whole time that I will take my hospital bag with me... So we packed it (with baby) and than we decided to leave at home... :)
Then we walked around Bled lake. It is walk for strollers and full of beautiful views. Then I spent one day on the beach of Bohinj and others went around it - just half of the way.
After these days we took our car and went to Postojna cave. But we didn't go straight. We went around Triglav (the highest mountain of Slovenia). Our car didn't really like it.. :) But we made it. And then along the river Soča to Postojna. There is no point in telling you about Postojna. You just have to see it. It is the biggest calcite cave in Europe opend for tourism. It was first public place in Europe with eletrical lightening. Even before Paris or London.. Impressive right? :)
The castle Predjama - residence of Slovenian "bandit". You can see in pictures that it is situated in rocks. And Jama means cave in Slovenia. That is very important for this castle, because there is a web of caves that can take you in to another walley. Some parts of the castle I didn't see since I am pregnant and even Jackie Chan fell out there (while recording a movie. We also celebrated our third anniversary in there.. :) By walking, kissing and having an icecream. :)
Finally - sea. Slovenia has only few kilometers of coast and they use it till the last stone. Theire beaches look like concreete flat and stairs to water. Well we didn't care. After all those trips we just wanted to lay down and swim and sleep and again. :) Only my spouse went to another trip - to Škocjanske cave. There was only one blemish - jellyfish everywhere. But they were small and didn't nettle. Only they were very slimy. :)
If you wanna see something beautiful in Slovenian coast, go see Piran. It is historical harbor full of middleage houses and streets and they know how to make alcohol free Pinacolada. :) We stayed at Portorož ( rose harbor) and we used beach at Isola. In Portorož the beaches are kinda dirty.
I must say that 12 hours way back was a bit difficult for me and the baby rotated during that time - head up.. :) Since that time it became a sport for them.. Hope it will settle down soon.. :)
So... The vacation was great. Having unborn child with me wasn't difficult at all. I am very glad that I went and that I decided to go on responsible facts and on defiance. Anyway I cant recomend it to everyone, it is definitely not for everyone to go for a ten days long trip abroad. But if you feel great whole your pregnancy and continue that way and you know you are okay and you are strong and really want to go - GO. :) Just you have to know that only you have a responsibility for you and the baby and nobody else.
Have a nice time.
Yours Wopice